these are always pretty good. But remember you have flash. Why not use it? something like this could be made with ms paint and windows movie maker and it would be 80% as good. In fact, I wouldn't mind an MS paint aesthetic for this show. Provided only the art assets are done in MS paint and then imported and animated in flash. I think this show has a lot of potential. Perhaps try inserting some sketch comedy scenes, like the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, since that's what you're going for. Maybe add some cutaway gags and some interview segments to flesh out the show, because right now it's pretty basic and maybe slowly stepping up your game could improve your animation skills. Perhaps you can add a silly overarching plot (like if Jimmy Pee's arch-nemisis, Johnny Poo, was actually a criminal mastermind).GMSU could be like the next Strong Bad emails, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, click this link: